EQ-SQ neuropsychoanalytical coaching

The objective of EQ-SQ neuropsychoanalytical coaching

Constantly changing, oscillation external conditions and personal sensitivities are the basic prerequisites for living and working in groups, teams, departments, and divisions … Even if the substantive and specialised processes are clear and relatively stable, contacts with employees and employee groups ensure constant motion, change, and restlessness. Analysis and flexible adaptation, structure formation, and structural change are therefore the basic principles for the management and development of individuals, groups, and teams.

Changes lead to critical instabilities and cause - to a greater or lesser extent - uncertainty, tension, strain, pressure, stress, dislike, frustration, displeasure, irritability, and anger… Through the analysis of these unpleasant feelings, the critical situations have to be overcome in a manner that relates to specific issues, fields, and individuals. Both pleasant and particularly unpleasant feelings are indispensable mechanisms in working life for identifying hazards and accessing sources of energy and growth. From the perspective of brain research, psychoanalysis and neuropsychoanalysis there is therefore also no development and management that is free of pressure or anxiety. The only important and decisive factors are whether the pressure triggered by the substantive, specialist, and communication processes can be dealt with constructively (leading from the perspective of the organic brain to the stabilisation of growth networks) or provokes and accelerates defensive behaviours (stabilising and increasing defensive networks from the organic brain perspective).

The patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaviour for dealing with critical situations are acquired at a very early stage and vary to a large extent due to the behaviour of attachment figures and genetic conditions. In current critical work situations, these different patterns acquired at an early stage - especially the emotional ones, to a greater or lesser extent, but mostly very unconsciously - determine the behaviour of individuals, groups, and teams.

Owing to the early imprinting and neurobiologically networked differences in the patterns of feeling, thinking and behaviour, managerial and development concepts which assume the equality and equal treatment of all employees are destined to miss their targets. The differences in the patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaviour require different concepts in the management and development of individual employees and employee groups, as well as teams, departments, and divisions…

This is where EQ-SQ NPC takes an active role. Based on the results of brain research, psychoanalysis, and neuropsychoanalysis, the aim of EQ-SQ NPC is to describe the differences in the patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaviour of the employees and employee groups with respect to the substantive, specialised, and communication processes. Furthermore, it aims to elaborate on different management and development concepts of employees and employee groups according to these differences. The aim of EQ-SQ neuropsychoanalytical coaching is not to search for an "ideal concept" that is valid for all employee and employee groups. The primary concern is rather the development of criteria for selecting and evolving management and development concepts which take into account the differences of the individual employees and employee groups.